To craft our full line of rich and unique Havartis, we took cues from the early days of Danish cheesemaking. We start with all-natural ingredients infused in the vat to create the ultimate cheese, highlighting its freshness and depth of flavor. Our family of Havarti cheeses features every flavor, from mild to spicy, for a distinct adventure in every bite.
Cheese fearlessly.
Some cheeses you melt. Some cheeses you grate and sprinkle. With the extra creaminess and the freshest of fresh flavor, our Havarti is a cheese you’ll want to eat by chomps and bites — as often as you possibly can. We took our cues from the early days of Danish cheesemaking, yet added our own recipe of all-natural ingredients. Then we gave our Havarti a modern twist with a plethora of spices, seeds and peppers.